‘A single dream is more powerful than a thousand realities’
The mysterious world of dreams has baffled mankind since centuries. Scientists and psychologists alike, have been trying to interpret and analyze this impenetrable realm with little success. It’s almost like a secret world, fulfilling wishes, giving future glimpses, leaving us with a mystifying experience every night
The Hybrid Librarian, known for his incredible and mind boggling videos comes up with yet another enchanting one, this time about dreams. Titled ’10 Amazing Facts About Dreams’, the video is a captivating slideshow of enigmatic visuals and jaw dropping facts. Released on 17th March 2016 it has garnered much appreciation with 10,000 views in a mere 24 hours. You can find video at the end of this article.
The facts highlighted by Hybrid Librarian prove how little we know about something that happens to us every night. A summary of these facts is relayed below.
All mammals dream. Observe your pet twitching or grunting when sleeping, it only means he’s dreaming. Only fish and insects do not dream.
All humans dream, even those who were born blind. Visually impaired people dream of smell, sounds and other experiences they have had.
Next time, don’t rebuff the teen who sleeps all the time. It is a proven fact that dreaming makes us creative. Ideas for some great inventions came to people while they were happily sleeping.
REM phase of sleep preserves some thought, discards others and combines few to create new ideas.
Did you know that A sinking Titanic’ was predicted in someone’s dream long before it actually occurred. So were the 9//11 attacks and Abraham Lincoln’s assassination. Known as premonitory or future dreams, 18-38% people have reported at least one in their entire lives! Creepy!!
You know those friends who say they never dream?! It’s more because most people forget 50% of the dream in the first 5 min of waking up and 90% in next 10 min.
People woken up during REM sleep are more likely to remember their dreams. But do not do that to your friend for paranoia, hallucinations and irritability may result.
Don’t be under the false impression that your brain is sleeping when you are. Sleep is the time to work even harder for this silent worker. It works at processing, compiling, analyzing information. In short it clears your mind for a fresh new start.
We spend up to 6 years of our life dreaming about 1,00,000 dreams if not more! Imagine that!!
An average adult has about 7 dreams every night, each longer than the previous one. We dream for about 2 hours each night.
Much akin the fairy tale, sleeping beauty’ doesn’t dream at all. People with the sleeping beauty syndrome sleep for days before waking up and are not known to dream much
Inception’ is actually a reality. There are people who can control their dreams by lucid or conscious dreaming
They can fly, pass through walls, explore the universe, much like Matthew Mcconaughey. Scientists nowadays claim to decrypt and record dreams via lucid dreaming.
Remember that dreadful nightmare the other night. Well, as a fact, bad dreams are more common and cheating partners top the list.
The emotion most commonly experienced emotion is anxiety followed by fear, anger and grief.
That mysterious girl from your dream, you have actually seen her before.
Contrary to popular belief, every person we ever dream of we have already seen or met. Our conscious minds may have forgotten but our brain has a complete backup of images and uses them when it pleases.
Though humans dream since they were fetuses kids do not appear in their own dreams until 3 or 4.
Men have more competitive aggressive dreams and more of males (70%) when dreaming. Women are unbiased and dream equally about men and women.
Sex seems to be on the minds of women as much as men here, as dreams of sexual orientation are commonplace in both.
While people the globe over try to decode this mystical phenomenon, you can revel in the facts by Hybrid Librarian and sleep some more. Who knows, where the next invention will come from.