Category Archives: Interesting articles

Interesting articles about different subjects, researches and understanding of facts

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Our knowledge in science is constantly growing and will continue to grow as our society progresses. A lot of crazy things can be explained by science. But as for now, there are some things that science just can’t explain. Here are the top ten INSANE and UNEXPLAINED scientific discoveries *Number
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Modern numerology is based on the system which was created in ancient times by Greek philosophers. Idea of this system is that each letter in alphabet, represents one particular number, you can find this on the chart below: So how exactly you should use this chart: Let’s take for example
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Complexity of our universe is beyond our imagination, we still have to find a lot about nature of time, understand quantum mechanics and see order behind chaos; gravity is another great mystery worth exploring. Perhaps M-theory can reveal all the secrets once we will manage to complete it. It suggests
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From ancient times, we were warned about Apocalypse, there are certain signs which can predict it, these signs in the most cases come from bible, but what other signs can we follow in order to prevent Apocalypse? Can we use science? Is it possible that our own inventions destroy us?
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Unexplained, mysterious and creepy sounds are recorded worldwide, in the most cases it is impossible to find out source of the sound and such facts happen very often and they attract a lot of attention, but we sure can describe top strange noises and build some theories around them. Following
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There is a saying by Wayne Dyer which tells that no one can truly feel lonely if they like the person they are alone with. But, in a course of a life there is definitely a time for everything. There are times when you would prefer to be alone, and
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The origin of consciousness is one of the greatest mysteries in our world today. Scientists and theologians alike have been pondering the aspects of consciousness for centuries. Modern science describes consciousness as a product of brain structure and neural activity. Yet, new and exciting research might prove this hypothesis is
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Since the dawn of time, people noticed that words do not represent only the simple element of writing or speech, but instead hold a much stronger, deeper power thanks to the fact that they transmit energy that can bridge distances in space and time every time they are used. When
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Is it possible to live out any of your fantasies? While technology has yet to give a vehicle to take you to your wildest of fantasies, the mind is eons ahead. While one is lost in the world of dreams, it is very possible to control your dreams and conjure
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You may probably have heard the phrase “Oh, he is an old soul” when referring to a person. Sometimes people say for a young child that he or she is an old soul. But, what does this mean? Do souls really have an age? If yes, then how can you
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Sometimes moods tend to have a domino effect. You can be in a good mood, and all of a sudden someone else comes along and their mood is not so great. It tends to affect you and others around you. Soon everyone will seem down or sad. Although people go
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There is a lot of debate surrounding the use of Placebos to treat patients. Some people think that as long as the patients well being is improved, then the practice has achieved its purpose; others think that it is deceitful, unethical and illegal. But as with all with all things
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