Share Home > Author Quotes > Rumi > Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself “Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.” ~Rumi Tags: changecleverinspirationalintelligentmyselfpastpresentRumiwisdomwiseworldYesterday If I had a flower for every time I thought of you...I couldFinish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders andI have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of libraryMistakes are painful when they happen, but years later a collection of mistakes is what is called ex...It is good to love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosoever loves SCAN THIS QR CODE WITH YOUR PHONE