Category Archives: Interesting articles

Interesting articles about different subjects, researches and understanding of facts

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Truly amazing artwork by Al Margen that perfectly illustrates all those negative things that take place only in today’s society, all images are thought-provoking and creative.  
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Most people have a tendency to notice a set of recurring numbers a couple of times in their lives. Repeating numbers do catch the eye – they’re visually pleasing and their occurrence does make people wonder if they do hold a deeper and underlying meaning. Uniform and neat, repeating numbers
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In terms of intriguing sites and interesting locations, this video (scroll down to see video from Hybrid Librarian) compilation of mysterious monuments and strange ruins is a real eye opener. We all know about the more common constructions and formations such as Stonehenge and the Moai statues, but these enigmatic
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Hello dear readers, today I want to present you amazing artwork by Korean artist Puuung. Following nineteen images below shows exactly what real love looks like, it is all those small details that matter in relationship, caring for each other, helping each other, taking care of each other, random sweet
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Philosopher Friedrich Nietzche was a famous German Philosopher during his time and even after his death, Friedrich Nietzsche’s work continue to be used in major social and political thesis, he is one of the most widely read philosophers of the modern era. He had strong ideas about Christianity and traditional
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Lao Tzu was a Chinese philosopher for whom it is not quite certain whether he was a historical or mythical person. All that is known about him was taken from the Chinese tradition and from his biography described in the historical records of Ssuma Chien, which were written around 109
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‘A single dream is more powerful than a thousand realities’ The mysterious world of dreams has baffled mankind since centuries. Scientists and psychologists alike, have been trying to interpret and analyze this impenetrable realm with little success. It’s almost like a secret world, fulfilling wishes, giving future glimpses, leaving us
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It is said that there is nothing that can be done to achieve spiritual awakening – that it is something that is bestowed by grace. And yet it is suggested that we can prepare the ground for it to happen, by making ourselves available to it. My understanding of what
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The harsh and sad truth about modern society has been revealed by these 20 satirical photos. It makes you question where did we go wrong and what was our primary mistake.
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Who would have thought that simple NASA student balloon experiment would end up with capturing so called ‘alien sounds’ (infrasound) 22 MILES above Earth! This is first acoustic recordings in stratosphere for last 50 years. A graduate student – Daniel Bowman, at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,
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From abandoned cities to underground cemeteries, the following are the creepiest places around the World, which you most probably don’t want to visit: Suicide Forest Situated at the base of mountain Fuji, Aogigahara Forest is a place where Japanese businessmen went in order to simply kill themselves. The most unusual
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First of all, what are GMOs? These are living organisms whose genetic material has been artificially modified in a lab through a series of genetic engineering (or GE). Consequently, many countries around the world restrict the growing or importing of GMO crops mainly because of their adverse effects on human
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Are you an Indigo? The concept of the Indigo Child is based on the belief that certain children have a perception, intelligence and skill set beyond their years and some believe their abilities approach paranormal levels. Whether these beliefs of precociousness are reasonably founded or not, is still a matter
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Find most amazing and mind-blowing gallery of abandoned places from different parts of the world, old temples, churches, buildings, factories and many more @ SpiritualCleansing.Org
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“We never really die, our bodies just deteriorate while the conscious moves further into space,” says Robert Lanza, the third most renowned living scientist who is an expert in regenerative medicine. Claimed to have been part of a series of experiments in quantum mechanics and astrophysics, the scientist has recently
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Reincarnation is basically the belief that a soul is reborn in another body when one dies which could be a human body or that of an animal. Obviously, you would be hesitant to believe and you are likely to dispute it as a myth. Whether you are willing to believe
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What is social anxiety? Social anxiety is the terror of social circumstances that implicate contact with other people, the fear of being negatively judged, and appraised by other people. You are constantly worrying that you will be embarrassed, offensive to other people and you avoid situations where you are the
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Einstein’s theory of relativity, sparked interest almost a century ago. He challenged the long-held beliefs of the world around earth: that space and time are different for each planet, creating displacement. An easy way to visualize this depiction is taking a blanket and holding it taut, and throw a ball
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Understanding Introversion The people in this world live with diversified characteristics and behaviors, and it depends on the place they live in, the culture with which they have been brought up, and their family background. Many such factors affect their characters as they grow up in this society. They can
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