Category Archives: Consciousness

Interesting articles related with our mind and consciousness

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Truly amazing artwork by Al Margen that perfectly illustrates all those negative things that take place only in today’s society, all images are thought-provoking and creative.  
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Most people have a tendency to notice a set of recurring numbers a couple of times in their lives. Repeating numbers do catch the eye – they’re visually pleasing and their occurrence does make people wonder if they do hold a deeper and underlying meaning. Uniform and neat, repeating numbers
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‘A single dream is more powerful than a thousand realities’ The mysterious world of dreams has baffled mankind since centuries. Scientists and psychologists alike, have been trying to interpret and analyze this impenetrable realm with little success. It’s almost like a secret world, fulfilling wishes, giving future glimpses, leaving us
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It is said that there is nothing that can be done to achieve spiritual awakening – that it is something that is bestowed by grace. And yet it is suggested that we can prepare the ground for it to happen, by making ourselves available to it. My understanding of what
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The harsh and sad truth about modern society has been revealed by these 20 satirical photos. It makes you question where did we go wrong and what was our primary mistake.
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Are you an Indigo? The concept of the Indigo Child is based on the belief that certain children have a perception, intelligence and skill set beyond their years and some believe their abilities approach paranormal levels. Whether these beliefs of precociousness are reasonably founded or not, is still a matter
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“We never really die, our bodies just deteriorate while the conscious moves further into space,” says Robert Lanza, the third most renowned living scientist who is an expert in regenerative medicine. Claimed to have been part of a series of experiments in quantum mechanics and astrophysics, the scientist has recently
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Reincarnation is basically the belief that a soul is reborn in another body when one dies which could be a human body or that of an animal. Obviously, you would be hesitant to believe and you are likely to dispute it as a myth. Whether you are willing to believe
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What is social anxiety? Social anxiety is the terror of social circumstances that implicate contact with other people, the fear of being negatively judged, and appraised by other people. You are constantly worrying that you will be embarrassed, offensive to other people and you avoid situations where you are the
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The origin of consciousness is one of the greatest mysteries in our world today. Scientists and theologians alike have been pondering the aspects of consciousness for centuries. Modern science describes consciousness as a product of brain structure and neural activity. Yet, new and exciting research might prove this hypothesis is
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Since the dawn of time, people noticed that words do not represent only the simple element of writing or speech, but instead hold a much stronger, deeper power thanks to the fact that they transmit energy that can bridge distances in space and time every time they are used. When
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